
Bitget ranks among top 25 most trusted crypto exchanges by Forbes


The cryptocurrency exchange Bitget has secured the eighth spot on Forbes' list of the 25 most trusted crypto exchanges.


Leading the ranking are Coinbase, Binance, and Robinhood, with platforms from around the world included in the evaluation. Notably, Bitget's token had previously made Forbes' list of the top 10 most profitable cryptocurrencies of the first half of 2024. Since then, BGB has surged over 1000% in the past year.

Bitget maintains a high level of reserves in BTC and ETH and is recognized as one of the most secure crypto exchanges globally. The platform guarantees 100% reserves and has a $600 million insurance fund to protect users, contributing to its rapid growth on a global scale.

Earlier, we reported that Bitget announced its intention to burn 40% of the total supply of its Bitget Token (BGB).

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