
Internet disabled in Abkhazia to combat mining

The authorities of Abkhazia have decided to disable the internet to combat cryptocurrency mining. This was reported by the portal


The Acting Prime Minister of Abkhazia, Valery Bganba, announced at a headquarters meeting that the authorities plan to introduce a state of emergency in the country due to a lack of electricity.

"Tonight, from 00:00 to 07:00, we will disable the internet in Abkhazia to combat illegal mining and see what effect this will have," the official said.

According to Timur Djindzholia, the General Director of "Chernomorenegro," mining farms in Abkhazia consume about 40-45 MW, which annually exceeds 350 million kWh or half of the total electricity deficit. The Acting Prime Minister has appealed to Parliament to develop regulations to combat illegal mining and to authorize law enforcement agencies to take measures to confiscate mining equipment, including entering private homes.

Previously, we reported that a state of emergency has been declared in the energy sector in Abkhazia, one of the reasons being illegal cryptocurrency mining.

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