
Криптокошелек Phantom можно зарегистрировать через почту и код

The company Phantom has made it possible to open a cryptocurrency wallet using only an email address and a four-digit PIN code. This was reported by the company's press service.


As noted by the developers, writing down or remembering the seed phrase when registering a new wallet is too lengthy and confusing of a process for people. To make their lives easier, users sometimes take potentially dangerous steps, such as taking screenshots of the secret combination of words. In this regard, Phantom decided to implement registration via email or through Google and Apple accounts.

Now, access to the wallet will use a four-digit PIN code. However, the seed phrase has not disappeared; it is hidden from the user and stored locally on their device. Backup phrases are stored on Phantom's servers in encrypted form, and the backup keys are divided among participants in the Juicebox network.

“No party, except for the user, will ever be able to recover the seed in decrypted form,” the developers emphasized.

The feature is already available in the Phantom apps.

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